Breakfast Pops Make Mornings Fun!

Can you believe that it is back to school time already?  Where did the summer go?? We are in full back-to-school mode here, which means shelling out a ton of time, not to mention cash, in getting new clothes, school supplies, sports equipment, and books – the list goes on and on!

It’s also a crazy time for us as a family as we try to get back into some reasonable routines (and bedtimes) for waking up, having breakfast, and generally getting ready to be on a more rigid schedule again. For us, that means that we are often eating meals, especially breakfast, on the run.  

It’s always fun to find creative, fast breakfasts for us the mornings, which are crazy.  Portability is also key, because occasionally breakfast is grabbed as we head out the door on the way to school, which for us is a 30 minute commute. That’s why I took some of our favorite Post cereals and created some awesomely fun breakfast cereal pops that are yummy and portable!

We made three different pops, but you make them all basically the same way.  You mix your liquid (some form of milk) with yogurt, and then add flavoring or extras. I used 1 cups of milk to about 2 cups of yogurt.  Then, you build your pops.  Start with a layer of cereal, and next, in this case, a layer of peanut butter.

Then, fill your popsicle mold almost to the top with your yogurt/milk mixture, tapping gently so that the yogurt will flow all around the cereal and fill the bottom of the mold. Then, add another small layer of cereal and a little more yogurt – and you are ready to freeze! You will want to freeze for at least 4 hours but overnight is better.  

Next, we made breakfast pops with Malt-O-Meal Marshmallow Mateys®! This pop actually turned out to be my favorite! The yogurt mixture here is 2 cups of plain Greek yogurt, with half a cup of almond milk and half a cup of coconut coffee creamer, and then just a pinch of fresh vanilla mixed in.  

The final pop we made was with Cinnamon PEBBLES™* – which is a crispy rice cereal with a punch of cinnamony sweetness. This pop is assembled just a little differently. The milk/yogurt mixture is 2 cups Honey Vanilla Yogurt, with 1 cup of milk and 1 tablespoon cinnamon. You start the same way by filling the mold with cereal, and then the yogurt mixture. I wanted to add a touch of honey, but you can’t use it as an intermediate layer like the peanut butter, because the yogurt will not flow through/around it.  So you will want to layer your cereal and yogurt almost all the way to the top, then add a little honey and top it off with a little yogurt – these make a really nice pop that reminds me of a cinnamon roll!

We just LOVED how our breakfast pops came out! They were such a fun (and portable) alternative to eating our cereal in a bowl with milk! We will definitely be using these as a fun, timesaving way to have a great breakfast in the morning.

What are some creative breakfast ideas you have to make mornings easier??