5 Simple Strategies for Encouraging Healthy Eating in Children

As parents, we all want our kids to grow up healthy, and one of the best ways to ensure this is by promoting healthy eating habits. However, this can be easier said than done, especially when dealing with picky eaters or children who think new foods are “yucky”. Here are 5 simple strategies that can help encourage healthy eating in children: Promoting healthy eating habits in children can be a challenge, but by leading by example, making mealtime a positive experience, introducing new foods gradually, using positive reinforcement, and making healthy food more appealing, you can encourage your…

Better Dashboard Dining: Hit the reset button on your kids’ nutrition with healthier on-the-go meals and snacks

Are you constantly trying to figure out what you can feed your kids that will be healthy, give them all the nutrients they need, and that they will eat?  All without going nuts over meal planning?  If so, check out this article from Esther Blum! By Esther Blum, Integrative Dietitian and Lifestyle Coach As an integrative dietitian, I hear people’s battle cries for help, especially when it comes to feeding their kids healthy foods. Parents today are busier than ever, working and hustling kids to and from after-school activities. So, preparing meals with real food can…

How to Beat Swimsuit Season Anxiety: Expert Neuropsychologist Gives 7 Hacks for Body and Mind

Since January we’ve been bombarded with ads urging us to slim down and “get your body in shape by summer.” “Lose weight by Memorial Day.” While some women manage to meet their weight loss goals in time to feel confident in their swimsuit, the majority of us don’t. While we can disguise unwanted pounds in heavy layers during winter, in summer there’s nowhere to hide when you’re invited to that pool side BBQ. Why should we have to hide? For me personally, this is a constant battle – I DO need to lose weight…

Six Common Health Complaints in Summer

Many of us love the summer, but the sunny season does not always love us. As well as bringing plenty of sunshine, the summer can also create various troublesome healthconditions. We’ve compiled six of the most common health complaints that might affect your family in summer.   Hay Fever One of the most common health issues people experience in summertime is, of course, hay fever. Yet, just because you or your children have never experienced the seasonal allergy in the past, it doesn’t mean you won’t suffer from hay fever in the future. Seasonal allergies are often caused…

Can Food Boost Your Mood?

*This is not a sponsored post – just good info! If you’re anything like me, “comfort food” is a very real thing. I hate to say it, but when I’m feeling bad, it seems like macaroni and cheese will go a long way in making it better.  But what I didn’t realize is that food may very well have an effect on your mood, according to some medical experts.  A number of lifestyle factors can contribute to depression, but one that’s often overlooked is what you put in your mouth. “Diet plays a huge role in…

Adult ADHD or Lack of Focus?

*This is not a sponsored post – just good info! On a rough day, have you ever felt unfocused, overly scheduled or mentally cluttered and caught yourself saying “I’m so ADHD”?  I know I have, even though I really know better.  We use that terms loosely now, but are there some adults who may have ADHD? When is it just a simple lack of focus due to stress or bad habits and when might it be ADHD?  Dr. Sanam Hafeez, a NYC based licensed clinical neuropsychologist, teaching faculty member at the prestigious Columbia University Teacher’s…

Removing Chlorine and Chloramine from Your Drinking Water

You might be lucky enough to have safe drinking water run from your tap. Most households don’t think twice about mixing tap water with their favorite cordials, and that’s because it’s usually treated with chlorine and chloramines which eradicate a wide variety of harmful bacteria. However, many people complain that chlorinated water has a ‘bleach-like’ smell to it and tastes far from delicious. More worryingly, chlorine is now strongly linked with an increased risk of cancer, and chloramine can react with other chemicals commonly found in drinking water to produce a carcinogen known as NDNA. Fortunately…

Pediatric Dental Care: Why You Should Start Them Young

Does pediatric dental care really matter? After all, kids are just going to lose their baby teeth anyway. Shouldn’t parents just save money on visits to the dentist and dental insurance coverage and wait to start their children on a dental care plan until permanent teeth have come in? These questions are among the ones most frequently posed by new parents, expecting parents or adults interested in becoming parents. They understand that dental care is important, but they don’t quite grasp the importance of pediatric dentistry—or, more generally, the importance of baby teeth. As a result, people…

Ten Tips for Effective Communication With Your Doctor

Have you ever had a frustrating doctor’s appointment, either with yourself, or with one of your children?  Maybe you didn’t feel like you had enough time, the doctor was distracted, or something else just left you feeling less than taken care of?  Just like any other relationship, the doctor-patient relationship can be tough, and is founded on great communication. Dr. Karen Trollope-Kumar, a family physician, has some quick tips to help make sure that both you and your doctor make it out of your appointment frustration-free. 1.     If…

Tips for Exercising Through Pregnancy

*This is not a sponsored post. If I had to go back and do things again with my pregnancy, the number one thing I would change is that I would exercise more.  I think it definitely did not help my labor and delivery or keeping my weight in check! Part of what was hard for me was knowing exactly much I could or should exercise.  Coach Sarah Walls, personal trainer, has some tips for you, but as always please make sure to check with your doctor before starting on any exercise program – especially when you are pregnant! A…