Celebration Ideas for National Teddy Bear Day

Happy National Teddy Bear Day! National Teddy Bear Day is celebrated on September 9th. The teddy bear was originally created around 1902, but it didn’t take long for teddy bears to become popular all over the world. They were named after President Theodore Roosevelt who shared his love for hunting with any animal he came across, including bears.

The teddy bear has become a symbol of love, fun and comfort. Teddy bears are used in teddy bear picnics, teddy bear museums and teddy bear art. You can even buy a teddy bear subscription box where you receive a new teddy bear each month!

However, there is some controversy over who exactly created the first teddy bear. One account is that the President Theodore Roosevelt refused to shoot a tied bear on a hunting trip, and his feelings of compassion towards the creature inspired a series of satirical cartoons in an American newspaper, which prompted Morris Michtom, a New York businessman, to manufacture the first ‘Teddy’s Bear’ – which later became known as a teddy bear.

At around the same time, a German company called Steiff had begun producing stuffed bears with moveable joints. You can still buy Steiff bears today!

Since the advent of the Teddy Bear in 1902, many famous teddy bears have appeared in TV and film, enchanting children and adults everywhere! Here are a few of our favorites:

  • Big Bird from Sesame Street has a teddy bear named Radar.
  • The lasagna loving cat Garfield like to blame all of his misdeeds on his teddy, Pooky.
  • Winnie-the Pooh and Paddington Bear are international superstars
  • All 80s babies love the Care Bears! (Well, at least I do.)
  • Fozzie Bear basically invented the dad joke.

Some ideas for you to celebrate National Teddy Bear Day with your kids are:

  • Donate Teddy Bears to a local women and children’s shelter.
  • Host a Teddy Bear tea party with your kiddos.
  • Download, print and color teddy bear coloring pages

Who is your favorite teddy bear? Let us know in the comments!