The Power of Positive Reinforcement: How to Motivate Your Kids to Eat Healthy

Positive reinforcement is a powerful tool that can be used to encourage children to adopt healthy eating habits. It is a way to motivate your kiddo to repeat a desired behavior by providing them with rewards or positive feedback. It’s an effective way of promoting healthy eating habits because it focuses on the behavior rather than the child. Positive reinforcement is different from punishment or negative reinforcement, which focuses on what children are doing wrong and what they need to stop doing. Positive reinforcement, on the other hand, focuses on what children are doing right and what they need…

5 Simple Strategies for Encouraging Healthy Eating in Children

As parents, we all want our kids to grow up healthy, and one of the best ways to ensure this is by promoting healthy eating habits. However, this can be easier said than done, especially when dealing with picky eaters or children who think new foods are “yucky”. Here are 5 simple strategies that can help encourage healthy eating in children: Promoting healthy eating habits in children can be a challenge, but by leading by example, making mealtime a positive experience, introducing new foods gradually, using positive reinforcement, and making healthy food more appealing, you can encourage your…

Five Ways to Get Your Child Motivated to Study

It’s that time of year – kiddos are back to school, and before long, homework and study sessions will begin in earnest. Parents’ support can boost children’s confidence, and motivate them to study. But, in some cases, too pushy parents can achieve the opposite effect. Here are a few things you can try to motivate your kid to focus on studying. #1 Ensure a Healthy Studying Atmosphere Whether your child is in elementary school or high school, an environment meant for studying is generally best: a quiet atmosphere with lots of light, healthy snacks, and any needed…

Tips for Safe Online Shopping

As a parent, you probably feel like one of those circus performers who can keep 25 plates in the air at all times, balancing each one on a thin stick. Between taking care of your kiddos, household projects, work demands, family and friends, pets and more, you are one busy person. In an effort to make your to-do list a wee bit shorter, you have enthusiastically embraced online shopping whenever possible. From toys and clothes for the kids to groceries, books, computer gadgets and more, you love the convenience and ease that online shopping provides. Unfortunately, hackers can take…

Better Dashboard Dining: Hit the reset button on your kids’ nutrition with healthier on-the-go meals and snacks

Are you constantly trying to figure out what you can feed your kids that will be healthy, give them all the nutrients they need, and that they will eat?  All without going nuts over meal planning?  If so, check out this article from Esther Blum! By Esther Blum, Integrative Dietitian and Lifestyle Coach As an integrative dietitian, I hear people’s battle cries for help, especially when it comes to feeding their kids healthy foods. Parents today are busier than ever, working and hustling kids to and from after-school activities. So, preparing meals with real food can…

Pre-K Learning Support: Getting Help for Very Young Children

It can be hard to be a parent – especially of young children.  I remember worrying over my two girls – are they developing properly?  What can I do make sure I give them the best chances possible in life?  Mark K. Claypool and John M. McLaughlin are CEO and Director of Research and Analytics respectively for ChanceLight Behavioral Health, Therapy, and Education, have some tips below for us parents! While parenting young children is a joy, it can be filled with uncertainties and worry, especially if there are concerns about developmental milestones. How does a parent know when…


It seems like the smoke from our Fourth of July fireworks just cleared, but if you look at the calendar you see it’s almost time for the kids to go back to school. In most places, the kids have less than thirty days of summer vacay left. And if you’ve been to the big box stores lately you know the shelves are lined with all sorts of school supplies, which means it’s time for parents to get ready to spend a big wad of money on school supplies, back to school clothes, sports fees, lunch accounts, and…

Parents’ Guide for First Time Camping with Toddlers

With the pandemic in full force, we haven’t really taken any family vacations – except for camping in our trailer.  With teens, it’s pretty easy except for the bickering, but with toddlers first learning to camp, it can be tough! Spending time in nature is beneficial for kids on so many levels! It ensures a complete sensory experience and helps increase spatial awareness. There are plenty of activities for kids of all ages to do while camping, from exploring bugs, imitating owl sounds to nature art, rock sculptures. But, there are a few things to know before you…

4 Ways Students Can Enhance their College Apps During the Pandemic (While Staying Safe)

This is not how high school and college students (or anyone for that matter) imagined their 2020 summer would play out. Internships have been canceled, summer jobs are limited, and social distancing is making networking challenging as everyone works to stay safe during the COVID-19 pandemic.  While this summer may be non-traditional, there are still ways for students to build out their resumes as they prepare to apply for college and/or internships. Outlined below, you’ll find four tips from Eric Oldfield, father of two school-age daughters and Chief Business Officer of Brainly— the world’s…

2020 States with the Best & Worst School Systems

If there is one thing on our mind these days, it’s anxiously waiting to see how schools are going to handle returning to in-person learning in the fall. My daughter and I are both a little nervous about what will happen, and have very mixed feelings. But at this point, waiting is all we can do! With in-person learning this fall hinging on how well states handle the COVID-19 pandemic, the personal-finance website WalletHub today released its report on 2020’s States with the Best & Worst School Systems, as well as…