Dogs Are More than Dogs – They’re Family!

If you know our family at all, you will know that our dogs are not just dogs – they are FAMILY. Our cat too (but he thinks he’s a dog, which is another blog post).  We love our pups just as much as if they were another sibling! For those of you who haven’t seen them before, here are our fur babies, Sunny, a eleven-year-old pit bull mix, and Ollie, a six-year-old King Charles Cavalier Spaniel who is full of sass and spunk, despite having been diagnosed with beginning stages MVD.   We talk about…

10 Great Reasons to Own a Dog

Happy National Puppy Day! In case you are still feeling blue about missing National Dress Your Pet Up Day back in January (how did I forget that her outfit was in the front closet?), you can redeem yourself in your puppy’s eyes by marking today’s celebration. Many rescue groups across the country are discounting adoption fees to mark today’s festivities, and inspire you to bring home a new friend to spend this special day snuggling with. The benefits of having a pet can be tremendous – especially for kids. Child and Parenting expert Denise Daniels…

Boating Safety Has Gone to the Dogs!

* This post is not sponsored – just good tips! We are fortunate enough to live close to Lake Erie, which while not ideal for swimming, can be a ton of fun on the boat. Wherever we go, the dogs come too (the horses we leave at home)! Whether it’s a road trip, or a boat trip, we like to have everyone together to enjoy the fun. When we do get out on the boat, we like to make sure that the dogs are just as safe, comfortable, and happy as the rest of the crew, so we follow the…

6 Benefits of Owning a Dog

Dogs are man’s best friend. They’re cute, and they’re a lot of fun to be around. Read any dog blog and you will be exposed to a lot of information about dogs and what great pets they make. But there are a few other benefits that owning a dog can provide you and your entire family. Check out the six perks of dog ownership that you might not have already thought of below. Dogs Can Actually Improve Your Health Sure, you take your dog on walks and you may even take regular trips to the park so…

Every Day is National Dog Day

This post was sponsored by Banfield Pet Hospital. You may remember back in August there were lots and lots of pictures of the most adorable pups on all of your social media pages.  Of course, we celebrated National Dog Day along with all of our friends, but the truth is, here in our house, EVERY DAY is National Dog Day.  We have two dogs, but the queen of our home is definitely Sunny.  We were so excited for Banfield Pet Hospital® to sponsor this post so we could try out a great new product to help keep our Sunny safe…

Puppy Pet Photography (An Exercise in Futility?)

I have been a semi-professional photographer for about five years, although I haven’t done a lot of work over the last year as the demands of my job and blogging have cut into my time.  But when I was working regularly, I photographed a lot of weddings, engagements, and family portraits. I thought taking pictures of babies and toddlers was hard. And then, I got a puppy.  Ollie.  A gorgeous King Charles Cavalier Spaniel sweet little button of a dog.  He’s really cute.  I wanted to take pictures of him.  So…