Making Mealtimes Meaningful with Teenagers with Mardi Gras Napkins

Thank you Mardi Gras Napkins for sponsoring this post. Learn more about Mardi Gras Conversation Starter Napkins here and grab your coupon today! Let’s be honest.  Being a parent of a teenager and preteens can be hard.  I’m a single mom with 2 girls – one a teenager and one a preteen, so some days – whew.  I sometimes don’t know how I survive it, but I do, and we are our own tight little tribe that sticks together with us.  However, being a single mom with two busy girls, life gets straight up crazy…

Set an Example for Your Kids When it Comes to Career Goals

*This is not a sponsored post- just good info! Parents are responsible for teaching their kids all kinds of lessons in life. Many of these life lessons are ones that will help them to succeed and realize their true potential. If you’re currently trying to emphasize the importance of having career goals and you’re looking for the best way to go about it, you may want to look to yourself in order to set an example. What Are Your Career Goals? One of the best ways parents can go about teaching children is leading by example. This means…

Teaching Kids the Financial Facts of Life

*This is not a sponsored post – just good info! It’s no secret that if you are a regular reader of Pirate Parent, financial literacy is a topic that is extremely important to us! I really believe that children should be educated about money BEFORE they get themselves into trouble, which is why we are happy that Take Charge America is offering us some tips on how to beef up our kids’ money smarts! For good or bad, today’s kids have access to more information than ever before. But even though they can find answers with just a…

Should Parents Get Travel Insurance?

* This post is not sponsored. Just some helpful tips on whether parents should buy travel insurance! It’s that time of year! Yup, vacation time! In between planning road trip packs, activities to keep our kids occupied on the plane, and all the things that go with planning a family vacation, there may be one thing that you haven’t thought of yet – travel insurance! has some considerations for us crazy busy parents to take into account on whether purchasing travel insurance is right for you and your family. Kids Get Sick: It often seems…

Teaching Your Kids Healthy Tech Habits

Smartphones and digital devices are provided to children at a young age these days, as they are relevant and function as safety, social and academic tools. While these devices provide ample information and open up opportunities for communication and learning, they can also be misused and cause harm or behavioral issues. Make sure your child knows how they can be responsible with their digital devices and develop good tech habits. Here are some habits you should teach and maintain, when it comes to your child’s tech use: Appropriate Use Talk to your children about where and how they should…

Boating Safety Has Gone to the Dogs!

* This post is not sponsored – just good tips! We are fortunate enough to live close to Lake Erie, which while not ideal for swimming, can be a ton of fun on the boat. Wherever we go, the dogs come too (the horses we leave at home)! Whether it’s a road trip, or a boat trip, we like to have everyone together to enjoy the fun. When we do get out on the boat, we like to make sure that the dogs are just as safe, comfortable, and happy as the rest of the crew, so we follow the…

Be a Food Smart Family with 4-H

This post was sponsored by the National 4-H Council and all opinions expressed in my post are my own. We have been a part of 4-H for years! My daughter started her horse showing experience with 4-H, and we have really enjoyed the family-friendly aspect to 4-H and how they really do promote healthy families! I will never forget my daughter’s first 4-H presentation – she was only 9 but it was an amazing experience to watch her develop a presentation, speak publicly, and even answer a judge’s questions – talk about intimidating for…

Laundry Room Organization Hacks for Small Spaces

This shop has been compensated. All opinions are mine alone. #TryMembersMark The house that I live in now was built in the 1860s and there are a lot of quirks to living in a home this old.  The floors aren’t always even, there is coal storage areas in my basement, and there are rooms with no heating ducts, as well as other architectural oddities.  One of these (and one that is quite common in my area of Western New York), is that there was no dedicated laundry room when the house was built (for obvious reasons – no…

Cleveland Clinic Children’s Help Keep Kids Healthy

This post was sponsored by Cleveland Clinic Children’s. All thoughts and opinions are my own. I bet if you were to ask many parents what their number one concern was as it relates to their kids, it would be their health and safety.  And from the minute your kids enter the world, doctors form a critical part of making sure that our kiddos stay healthy, whether it is from a common cold, to more serious things.  This is why Cleveland Clinic Children’s wants us moms to know that they are there for our kids, from birth…

6 Benefits of Owning a Dog

Dogs are man’s best friend. They’re cute, and they’re a lot of fun to be around. Read any dog blog and you will be exposed to a lot of information about dogs and what great pets they make. But there are a few other benefits that owning a dog can provide you and your entire family. Check out the six perks of dog ownership that you might not have already thought of below. Dogs Can Actually Improve Your Health Sure, you take your dog on walks and you may even take regular trips to the park so…