Enhancing Your Home Office

If there is anything that bloggers can attest to, working from home isn’t always easy. There are constant distractions and, while sitting in your pajamas all day sounds like a blast, it’s not so much fun if you are constantly distracted, or if you office is a huge mess. The truth is you spend a lot of time in your home office, so you want it to look nice.

Don’t get lazy or too busy to make it a room you enjoy being in each day. Use your creativity to brainstorm new ideas and be open to implementing changes. If you’re unhappy with your working space, it’s time to make a transformation. See four ways to enhance the look of your home office.

Decorate the Walls

Bare walls are boring. Think about your interests and what you’ve seen other people do. Use it has a chance to add color and character to the room. Choose travel posters, movie posters, whatever will show your personality. Another suggestion is to hang a gallery wall of pictures. Whatever it is you choose, make it unique and vibrant. If nothing else, promise yourself you won’t leave the walls blank.   

Furnish the Space

Take a look at how you’re currently working. If you’re sitting in one folding chair in the middle of the room, then it’s time to upgrade. Purchase a large, sturdy desk that has multiple storage areas. Consider adding a side table, sitting chairs or couches if there’s room. Make it comfortable for you and anyone who visits. Extra seating is a great way to make it feel more relaxed. There’s no need to crowd the space, but fill it to the best of your ability with nice furnishings.

Improve your Décor

Remove your old décor and bring in an entirely new style. Don’t do what you’ve always done. Start fresh and enjoy the change of pace. Head to the local thrift store and find unique tables, lamps and display pieces. Bring in items from other rooms in your home and watch it all come together. Use this activity as a chance to personalize your office and add sentimental embellishments like photos. 


You need to get organized. Take time to declutter your space and get rid of what you don’t want or are no longer using. Purchase new organizational tools that’ll help you get the job done right. Ask the family to help, and it’ll go faster. This is your chance to purge what’s taking up space and make it look presentable again. You want to be able to walk and know where your belongings are in your office. Use storage bins and drawers to divide and conquer. Don’t stop until every item in your office has a home. 

Decorating is a challenging undertaking. Once you’re committed to the project, dive in and don’t look back. These are four ways to enhance the look of your home office.