Happy Space: Decorating a Creative Room for Your Child

Your child’s room shouldn’t be used only for play. There are a lot of creative tasks that they’ll try to tackle such as homework and art projects, so if you’re trying to foster an environment where they can grow and prosper, it is important that you find ways in which your child’s creativity can flourish.

Keep it Open

Keep their rooms open when designing them because many times children will think outside the box more than adults would expect. Creativity can develop just about anywhere – however larger spaces help kids’ creativity blossom. Your kid’s home environment also plays a big role on whether or not they happy at home- therefore make sure their living space reflects this!

Choosing a Theme or Color

Whether your child has chosen to focus on one particular theme, like space and rockets for example, or whether they want to select their favorite color that will bring them peace, there are so many kid’s room ideas out there. If the former is more of an interest then consider painting some sort of mural with this in mind—it might even prepare them for future careers! Whatever you decide be sure include them in the process because it helps make decisions easier when everyone involved is included.

If your child makes artwork, don’t relegate it to a drawer in their desk. You can display their creative masterpieces on a creativity board in their room. A large chalk or writing board mounted on a wall with dry erasers can be a special place where they record their thoughts and ideas. It can also be a great place where they can play or draw with their friends. Once done with a picture, they can easily erase the portraits and start anew.

Give Them the Tools

In order for your child to be creative, they need the necessary tools. While you don’t have to spend a fortune on wall boards, easels and paints, you can still keep a healthy supply of paper, crayons, play dough and markers on hand. You also want them to be easily accessible to your child, so they can strike while the inclination to express themselves hits them.

What creative ideas have you included in your kids’ rooms?